Neocon Love: "Like Ordering Pizza"
TP today has a story on neocon Washington's ready reliance on politics' oldest profession, in which a Bush official compares ordering sex to calling Domino's. It would be a yawner of a story ("huh, there's prostitution in Washington? OK, now give me some news..."), except as it further reveals the hypocrisy that has defined these Bushies from day one. Remember, this is the abstinence-only bunch we're talking about. As we wrote here:
But porn, like online gambling, is a driving force in technology, as well as being a powerful lobbying force in Washington. If you're a Congressman or a member of the press corps at the White House or Capitol Hill, and you're looking for a good time, the porn industry is there to help.
But anchovies...
Did you really need to throw in that "hold the anchovies" comment? Like picturing old senators getting down with hookers wasn't enough to make me lose my lunch.
Er, sorry about that. As Lorena Bobbitt would say, maybe it's time we sliced the pepperoni...
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