Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday Reflection: For the Living and the Dead

Mother Jones knew that when you "fight like hell for the living," you do the greatest honor to the dead. Specifically, we need to advocate for the poor, the disenfranchised, the marginal (and today that includes what's left of the middle class), and all those who lack a voice in the halls and boardrooms of Power. The more nameless they are to the masters of corporate government and their media hounds, the more vigorously must we speak for them.

Today, we know the names and a little of the stories of the dead in Blacksburg, Va. These were victims of terrorism. Our media are not quite so rigorous in reporting the names and stories of the victims of terrorism in Iraq. But this week, hundreds more such victims have been sent to death or a living hell on Earth. Thousands more, in the Gulf Coast and other parts of our own country, suffer and die from the state-sponsored terrorism of neglect and gross economic disparity. These are the people—here and around the world—who have no advocate but you.

Let us speak for them together, in the resolution made by anguish; with the strength created when we have become so saturated with fear and projected hatred that we expel them both from within and enter the realm of fearlessness.

  • Contact Congress

  • Contact the Media

  • Speak out for peace

  • Join the Global Days for Darfur

  • Join AI in condemning murder as a pretense of justice.

  • And if you live in or near New York City, join us in crashing Hillary's soiree:

    Monday April 23, 7:00 to 8:30 pm
    Tell Hillary Clinton: DON'T BUY BUSH'S WAR!!
    Pier 94, 755 12th Ave between 54th and 55th Streets, Manhattan
    Party on the Pier fundraiser with Hillary and Bill Clinton
    Tell Hillary Cilnton that we want our troops to come home NOW!!
    Sponsored by CodePink NYC; endorsed by BPFP

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