Thursday, January 25, 2007

Firing a Lugar

Our demon of the week (it's not who you might think):

Senator Richard Lugar, the senior Republican on the foreign affairs committee, opposed the resolution [to condemn the notion of troop surge].

"This vote will force nothing on the president, but it will confirm to our friends and allies that we are divided and in disarray," he said. But he added: "I am not confident that President Bush's plan will succeed." (The rest of this is here).

Let's be very, very clear about what Sen. Lugar is saying: it's OK for other people's children to die as long as we avoid the appearance of "disarray"—even if the plan is sure to fail, as all the others have to this point. So Moms and Dads around America, take heart: if your son or daughter is one of the 21,500 to go to Iraq and come back in a bodybag, it's for a good cause—harmony on fat cat Capitol Hill; the unity of Congress behind a failed president and his psychotic delusion. Senator Lugar will, I am sure, be willing to send a nice sympathy card to that effect.

Sen. Lugar, please accept the DR horns of the week—you've earned them.

Our runner-up for the horns is Laura Mallory, the Potter-hating priss who won't quit. By the time she gets her appeal through, the last story will have been published and who knows, she may get her most ardent wish fulfilled: the death of Harry Potter.

In the meantime, my response to her remains the same.

Tomorrow, our Friday author will offer an even better answer to such ideological totalitarianism.

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